A Christmas Present from the Minister for Immigration 21 December 2020 Workers on employer assisted work visas have received an early Christmas Present from the Minister for Immigration Kris Faafoi with a six-month visa extension, the stand down period being...
15 December 2020 Newsflash: Work Visa Changes for 2021 A big change is on the way for Work Visas in mid-2021. A new three step process will apply for all work visas in New Zealand. A number of existing classes of work visa will be abolished and replaced with an...
03 December 2020 If you haven’t been found guilty of a Crime, can Immigration New Zealand deport you? The golden thread which runs through our justice system is the presumption of Innocence. That is you are innocent until you are proven guilty in a court...
23 November 2020 Did you know that departures from New Zealand nearly doubled between May 2020 and June 2020? Did you know how many Detectives were issued with work visas? Here are some more interesting facts from INZ Statistics. On a regular basis...
05 November 2020 On Monday, 2nd November, PM Jacinda Ardern announced a new Cabinet and Ministry following on from the October General Election. As a result there are now new Ministers in the Immigration Portfolio. The first of these is the Hon Kris Faafoi as...