A fragmented approach to language breeds discrimination English is our main language of communication in New Zealand. Immigration New Zealand (INZ) therefore requires an applicant for residence under the Skilled Migrant Category to have a certain level of proficiency...
Immigration decision sent a man to his death People are at the heart of a society, country, continent, and the world. Each country has its own ethos, rules and regulations, the do and the don’ts, determining who it wants. The New Zealand style of government is...
Anti-terrorism laws should not harass genuine migrants Terrorism is a worldwide issue. How to co-exist in a global world presents all nations with tough issues. It is a challenge to enable freedoms without compromising national security. What measures should be in...
Applying for residence in New Zealand Charlie Prasad (not his real name) was very excited when Immigration New Zealand (INZ) invited him to apply for residence in New Zealand. He lodged his residence application with anticipation and excitement. But he was...
Errors take their toll on migrants Immigration New Zealand (INZ) recently changed its working system to achieve consistency in decision-making, become more efficient, minimise errors, and reduce staff and branch numbers. But none of these changes addressed the...
One illegal slip can get you into hot immigration waters Hindsight, it is often said, is a great thing. When we take stock of events and developments, many things that were not apparent at the time of their occurrence come to light. Such introspection may necessitate...