new video series
Video featuring-
* A reminder to everyone whose Work Visas are expiring in February to start work on their new visa application
* Skills Match Reports are now no longer required for a number of jobs
* Pay particular attention to Work and Income’s Oversupply list
* Reconsideration of declined visas – INZ’s approach to them
* Tune in for the latest updates.

#Immigration #update #Immigrationnewzealand #movetonewzealand #worktoresidence #residence #partnership #essentialskillsworkvisa #newworkvisa #partnershipvisa #renewvisa #iwanttogotonewzealand #visanewzealand #tourist #specialvisa #application #facebook #video #newvideo #idesilegal #lawfirm #follow #changes #upcomingchanges #newzealandemployer #recruitnewzealand #jobnewzealand #workinnewzealand #reconsideration #Skillsmatchreport #oversupplylist


If there are any issues raised. 

At IDESI LEGAL we provide help for migrants and refugees coming to New Zealand. If you’re a NZ migrant and need help with the immigration process, get in touch.