29 October 2021

At Idesi Legal we have fielded a lot of inquiries regarding the 2021 Residence Visa. 

Today the new Residence Visa policy has been released and the top 5 take home points are:

  1. The application fee for the Residence Visa is $2,160.
  2. Police Clearance Checks are not required unless there have been past issues. A NZ police check will be automatically requested.
  3. A medical certificate will only be required if one has not been submitted in the past 36 months or health has deteriorated or the applicant did not previously not meet health requirements.
  4. The partnership requirement will be ‘living together’ for 12 months. Partners living overseas and separated by Covid may be included. 
  5. The application for a Residence Visa will be available online from 01 December 2021.

More to come.

If any of the above raises questions – please contact Idesi Legal for further information. 

At IDESI LEGAL we provide help for migrants and refugees coming to New Zealand. If you’re a NZ migrant and need help with the immigration process, get in touch.